the face of someone who is obsessed with science, terrified of the ways in which covid19 changed the world, and grateful for a sense of protection moving forward. the face of a person who replenishes her cup from the energies of the people around her. the face of someone who has been a storyteller through the lens of seeing a career as a work of art, filled with unique, creative, brilliant paths converging to build and grow us.
shree: wealth & prosperity; hokie; passionate; defiant; growing; _________________________
connections through a virtual gathering of sorts that served as the only social outlet for many months, lighting a fire in me to build a community that kept me going, even if only to the next day. seasonal depression on top of depression & anxiety on top of a global pandemic on top of living alone on top of living far from family & friends meant zoom became my means of SURVIVAL- the vessel that kept me afloat in murky h20.
community: a sense of belonging; trust; necessity; framily; ________________________
I celebrated my birthday alone, but not lonely, which was a first time in my adult life. for being bubbly, too often friends and family take my energy for granted. how to recharge in a world that is depleting all energy sources is difficult, so I want to cultivate the community that people like me need: those who rarely say “no”, who learnt sacrifice = love, and who need companionship even from afar.
growth: survival; desire; gut-wrenching; budding; _______________________________